Check A Seller was created as a way to help buyers and sellers make informed decisions on who to deal with, that would be based on community. But also we wanted to make sure that users would not have distractions on what kind of businesses and people they are checking on or reporting on. So, in this first blog post we want to explain the who, why and how of Check A Seller.
This site is here so customers, businesses and others can look for reviews, and post reviews on those who deal online. We see so much scamming happening in the gaming and collectable pages on social media, and scammers are getting better at hiding their nefarious schemes. So, this website will allow the average person to become empowered with the one thing scammers fear. INFORMATION. You can create a free account, add the company, add their public basic information, and then others can place reviews. Or you can add reviews on companies and people that others have added.
The nice thing about this site, is that due to the narrow nature of what we allow business wise to the site, you have a more focused subject to search for, report on and review. What also is unique is buyers and those who are on the other end of the deal making process can be reviewed. So if you deal with a guy named "Bob" and he bought a game from you, you can review him. We did this as there are always two sides of a deal. We want those who operate dishonestly and or not in a way that is honorable to also be talked about. But also just as important if a business or person deals with honesty and integrity, we want that highlighted. The good and the bad. The honest and dishonest. The scammers and the legitimate. Check A Seller is here for everyone.
We are not a general all sellers and dealers can be reported on website. We in fact target a narrow segment of the online selling, trading and buying market. Simply put we are for buyers, sellers and traders that deal in things like the following.
The following is a short list of what is not allowed. We think you can get the jist of what is and what is not allowed on this site with these lists. Please respect the rules as we created this site for you to benefit from. We will say that repeat offenders risk being banned. We do not want to do that, but we want to make sure this site remains focused.
Basically use common sense and help your fellow community members.
We know there will be some who will hate this site, such as scammers, rip offs and more. Yes, we know we will get the threats of lawsuits and litigation. However a lot of time has went into the preparation of this site, and that included involving attorney's who specialize in libel and slander. We are protected as you are as long as you follow the basic requirements listed below from being sued.
The Consumer Review Fairness Act (CRFA) protects people’s ability to share their honest opinions about a business’s products, services, or conduct. This has been supported and deemed legal in several State and Federal Appellate court cases, as well as several well publicized Supreme Court cases. So yes, we can legally provide this site, and you can legally review others including individuals on this site. Our Terms of Use dictate the rules.
5 - BE FAIR.
We only ask that you be fair and civil. This is not the platform for you to accuse a business or person of criminal wrong doing. We encourage you to, if you feel a crime has been committed to file a complaint with the FBI's online reporting site, and or your local police. If you post a review it actually help you and others if you are fair and stick to the facts, so we suggest when doing a review to do the following.
Just be fair and stick to the facts, we want this site to grow and become a trusted source of reviews.